Letztes Jahr habe ich beim Kurs von der Designerin Rachel Taylor mitgemacht. Vor einigen Tagen kam noch ein kleines Geschenk ins Haus geflattert. Wunderschöne Postkarten, die von Rachel Taylor illustriert worden sind. Last year I prticipated on the course of designer Rachel Taylor. Some days ago, I obtained my gift: Some wonderful designed cards
day 20
Wow a lot of news. My shop was featured in the moyo festive gift guide. Do you have seen my new button in the sidebar? Yes I am a „proud graduat“ of the ABSPD. I am so happy I took the course. I have learned so much. Thank you Rachel for all this helpful information. … Read More
what I made the last days.
New design for voting
Hello all, i have good news, one of my designs was just accepted for voting and consideration at Infectious.com – a company that creates adhesive art products for iPhones, laptops, walls and cars. They choose new designs based on community voting and feedback. Help me get selected by voting for my design here: http://www.infectious.com/voting/jodysart/doodledidoo/8880