day 13: Hot wine punch
Today is day 13. Yesterday I was on the Christmas Market. I saw a lot of booth where you can get some hot wine punch. And this is the picture for today.
BIWYFI #89: Christmas Market
Today I was on the Christmas Market in Aachen. I took some pictures with my phone (my camera was broken some das ago) and here are some other Christmas Market pictures
Day 12
warm days
Today was a wonderful day, the sun was shining and it was really warm outside. So I threw my scarf, gloves and cap away.
christmas countdown
It is crazy. The last days I took so many photos to share here on this blog. When I was baking cookies (how to + recipes) or when I was on the Christmas market with all this little booths. But when I took my last photo, my camera is broken. It doesn’t works anymore after 1 … Read More
voting is open
On Monday began the voting for the Good for You Children’s Art Challenge on minted I have submitted two designs for this challenge and I hope you like it. If you like you can vote for me here and here Thank you
patterned type: Tigerprint competition
After a long time I made a design for the tigerprint challenge: patterned type. Step 1: illustrate an alphabet Step 2: make a card or a bag with your design
I love watercolors
This weekend I had a lot of fun to make some illustrations with my warercolors. They aren’t ready yet because working with watercolors needs time.
Enigma for kids [free download]
The little boy is in the park. He has some bread for the ducks. But he can’t find the right way. Can you help him? Der kleine Junge ist im Park. Er hat Brot für die Enten dabei. Aber er findet den richtigen Weg nicht. Kannst du ihm helfen? click on the picture and you … Read More